Solar power solutions

The Solar Pergola can be installed
over existing patios or new construction
Size range 100 Sq. Ft. to 400 Sq. Ft.
Power range 1.25 kW to 4 kW
Qualifies for 26% Federal Tax Credit
Pays for itself and more in
utility savings!

Low Cost

Save 50% or more compared to
typical roof top systems with
No unsightly panels or
holes in your roof
Solar power beautiful and affordable

Simple Installation
Excellent savings compared to traditional racking and roof mounted systems.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL) has a great FREE Solar Calculator
Just plug in your address and system size to see annual savings:

The Solar Pollinator provides partial screen for shade loving plants. Can provide full shade for hammock/picnic area.
Small footprint still produces from 1 kW to 2 kW output.
Qualifies for 26% Federal Tax Credit
Pays for itself in savings and more!

Enjoy benefits of solar energy without obstructive equipment. Space below can be used for garden, parking, or whatever suits you.

Skysun's edge on installation means
panels blend in to your space
No more panels on your roof or roof maintenance headaches
Our verified method still provides
over 90% efficiency compared to traditional mounting
Green House Gas Reduction
During the 25+ year lifetime of a typical Solar Pergola (3kW size ) ​CO2 emissions are reduced equal to:
Taking 15 cars off the road for one year,
Not burning 75,000+ lbs. of coal,
83.5 acres of forest sequestered carbon

Skysun's all weather
designs can handle the roughest climate
Tracking Available
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