Solar power solutions
Ganged-PV System Evaluation, SANDIA REPORT SAND2021-14893 Printed November 2021 Aaron Overacker, Dimitri Madden, Kenneth Armijo, and Jim Clair
Investigations in a Tensile Based Non-Imaging System, White Paper, Jim Clair, Skysun with NASA GRC evaluation, 2015.
Mechanical and Optical Performance Evaluation of the Skysun Tensile Ganged Heliostat Concept, Julius Yellowhair (8823), Kenneth M. Armijo (8823), Charles E. Andraka (8823), Jesus D. Ortega (8823), Jim Clair (Skysun, LLC).
Our Solar racking system can provide shade for livestock, parking lots and more!
Our system is elevated
allowing land use below
Low Profile
Cost Advantage
Cost-effective design makes solar feasible for your business
Department of Energy Grant
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico 2020
1/4 scale Utility Solar Prototypes
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